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Gaillac is one of the oldest vineyards regions in France. Vine cultivation, with vines first imported into ancient Gaul (now modern-day France) by the Phoencians in the 4th century BCE, developped in three main areas, one which was Gaillac.

In the Middle Ages, wine was considered  a noble and  heathy drink. But even more than that, it was seen as a food and energy source.

The town of Gaillac is located on the lower part of the river Tarn, at the  crucial point where the river becomes navigable. Futher northwest, the Tarn joins the Garonne and leads to Bordeaux, from there on to the Atlantic and the rest of Europe. This river network has made it possible for Gaillacois wine to be exported to various European courts for centuries. 

Brand heritage

To guarantee a high level of quality for each vintage, the winegrowing monks of Gaillac drew up a charter regulating viticultural and oenological pratices. Given the requirements of the charter, historians believe that it is the predecessor to the "Appelations d'Origine controlée"

To avoid any counterfeit, a rooster was branded on the barrels, as a patent stamp "Vins du Coq"  (Rooster wines) is the oldest wine brand in the world, in use since 1397 and officially recognized in 1501.

The stamp could be seen on the barrels being transported along the Tarn in the gabarres ( tradional flat-bottomed boats). Today, the town still retains the emblem : the rooster adorning its coat of arms.

These wines were appreciated thoughout Europe, a favorite drink of kings. Consuls were responsible for controlling their shipments; and making known the privileges of laws of passage.

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sous-bocks 1501


While enjoying 1501, you can also learn of our beverage's history by reading the historical anecdotes on our coasters.


Fun and enriching stories about the glorious past of Gaillacois wines.

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